You know, I start every day with hundreds of good intentions...
Yet very rarely do these intentions ever seem to actually make it to fruition.
Sunday morning I woke up and I had so many good intentions.
I intended to make a hot cooked breakfast for my children...
They had Nutella on toast - with sprinkles.
I intended to pull out my boxes of fabric and set up my sewing machine...
They're all still in the closet in Alyssa's bedroom.
I intended to sort through the box of barbies in the toy room...
It is still sitting untouched.
I intended to catch up on the washing...
I am still at least three baskets behind and the folding still hasn't left my bedroom.
I intended to mow the yard...
Well... that intention has been unmet for so long that I am pretty sure a tribe of long lost pygmy's have taken up residence!
Fast forward to today.
I intended to unearth the dining table...
It is still buried in random children's stuff.
I intended to mow the yard...
Those pygmy's are still going strong and their grass huts are looking great!
I intended to bake some nice healthy cookies and muffins for the girls for school...
I made a pineapple cheesecake and then called it quits.
I intended to mop the floors while the babies napped...
I curled up on the couch with a hot Milo and Judge Judy.
It seems that every day I wake up with all these great intentions, all these things I want to do, yet I just never seem to find the time to get them done.
There is always something that ends up distracting me.
For instance... today...
I came home from taking Jessica to school and dropping off the goodies for the bake sale... I had to give Alyssa some breakfast.
I opened the pantry and took out the cereal, and I remembered that I needed to pour the coco pops into an airtight container.
I opened the container's cupboard to get a container and I remembered that I had to put lids on all the containers that the girls have raided to use as storage for little toys.
I took all the lids and went into the toy room and pulled out some containers of little toys and found Isabella's left over toast from breakfast which reminded me that I had to feed Alyssa.
Fed Alyssa and took her empty bowl to the kitchen which reminded me I had to unpack the dishwasher. Went into the laundry to unpack the dishwasher and realised that I hadn't yet run the washing machine.
Went to the two bathrooms to gather up dirty laundry and remembered that I found two leaking taps on the weekend and needed to put in a maintenance request.
Phoned maintenance to report two leaking taps which reminded me that I had to phone Centrelink.
Well, that just wasted an hour of my time and accomplished nothing!!!
Got off the phone and it was time to put Alyssa and Nicola into bed for naps... which involved making bottles, giving medications, changing nappies, giving tube feeds, and going through a whole ritual with Nicola that is just phenomenal.
At which point Isabella was quiet eating her sandwich and watching Dora and wasn't having a non stop conversation with me and Michael was sitting down working out medical requirements for Nicola so we can place another order for consumables... so what else was I supposed to do?
I stole 30 minutes of peace and quiet, turned on a really lame tv show and curled up on the couch with a hot Milo.
Then Isabella finished her sandwich.
I intended to sit down with her and read a book or do some colouring or do something else that was dedicated to just her... but she wanted to play with her My Little Pony's and I wanted to do the dishes...
Then Alyssa was awake and needed lunch, so I got her up and took her into my bathroom to change her which reminded me I needed to empty the rubbish bin in my bathroom.
So I grabbed the baby and the rubbish bin, put her in the toy room and took the rubbish outside which reminded me that I needed to refill the dog's water and food...
So I came back inside with the dog bowls, and dropped them in the sink to wash them which reminded me that I still needed to give Alyssa her lunch.
I made her a quick Vegemite sandwich and put her in Nicola's giraffe chair to eat it, which then naturally reminded me that I had to put the rest of her equipment away because I was sick of kicking the walking frame every time I walked past...
So I started putting equipment in Nicola's room, which reminded me that I needed to move the last few boxes of consumables out of there so I didn't keep waking her up when I needed them...
So I grabbed them to take them into the laundry to put them in the laundry with the rest of the consumables... which, naturally, reminded me that I still hadn't put the washing on.
At which point I realised I was about to be late leaving to drive all the way across town to pick Jess up from school. (Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE her school!?!?!)
Then a quick trip home, hair gets re-brushed, highland dancing clothes on, and then off to a dancing lesson... which, because it is the end of term, I got to sit in and watch and take a few photos.
Then home again, home again, jiggity jig.
Dinner to cook, babies to bath, books to read, teeth to brush, beds to make and then finally, precious Princesses to tuck in and kiss good night...
I got nothing of actual consequence done today, yet I'm utterly exhausted... It is 8pm and I will probably be in bed in the next hour, after I feed dogs, feed cats, feed fish, feed Nicola, medicate Nicola, lock doors, close windows, put the washing on, run the dishwasher, wipe the kitchen benches, tuck four children in, kiss them all goodnight, fold the washing and make my bed, have a shower, brush my teeth and then finally fall into bed, ready to be awake most of the night anyway...
Then as I lay in bed, listening to every little sound in my house, I will reflect on the day, and I can't help but wonder...
But what happened to all my good intentions?!