Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Biker Boots

Buckle back ankle boot and Romie boot - Both Jeffrey Campbell

Hatchell Harness boot and Haven distressed boot- both Free Bird by Steven

Such a dashing selection of boots! I love them all but if i had to pick i think the JC buckle backs and the Haven distressed are my favourites.

The Jeffrey Campbell Romie boots are kind of reminiscent of the Balenciaga cut out boots which are amaaazing! and I love the Wang-esque flicks on the back of these Free bird cowboy come biker renditions. wow wow wow. (perv in more detail HERE)

If i was taller I'd be rocking the flats far more often but seeing as I'm only 5"2 (and mildly vertically challenged) i like to stick to at least some kind of heel... but I'd definitely sacrifice any height issues for these pretty little boots.



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