Kamis, 29 September 2011


Cardi- Topshop . T-shirt - Illustrated people . Boots- Topshop

Ola Friends,

I know this may not seem like a practical outfit choice just before we hit October but the weather is doing funny things here and i plan on taking full advantage of it!

I'm not usually a fan of slogan t-shirts but I'm going to give this illustrated people's one a chance because its cute and i think it deserves one. (its also really comfortable and great for throwing on over anything)

I can tell already this cable knit cardi is going to be a winter wardrobe stable. I only tend to introduce a few colours to my wardrobe each season and this time i think burgundy will definitely be one of them! (possibly a bit of blue and mustard yellow too).

And i have got to say, although its only been a week, I'm SO glad to be back dressing like a scruffy student again. The whole office attire thing was a nice change for a while but getting dressed for uni is way more fun.

Hope you've all been having a nice week, roll on friday tomorrow! i sense some beer garden action in the up and coming days.


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