Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Beach Day

Jumper- Zara. Shorts- Ripcurl. Bag- Ripcurl. Shoes- Sportsgirl.
Hey Everyone.

Ive got a bit of a casual beachy look for you guys today ! Ive heard its snowing back in the UK so I feel a little bit bad for continuously posting summery looks but the tables will be turned in a couple of months and I'll be jealous of all you guys ! A lot of people seem to think it doesnt get cold in the winter over in Australia but in Melbourne it really does!

Its my birthday tomorrow and forecast to be 39 degrees, Its going to be so strange because im so used to in snowing every year for it! Time to finally  re-live my childhood dreams and get the bouncy castle out for my Birthday Party.

Im also dying to show you all my new tattoo but its still healing just now and needs a couple of little finishing touches :)

Hope you've all been having a good week.


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