Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


jacket- vintage
skirt- h&m
jumper- Topshop
spikey ring- Topshop
Hi Everyone, Happy August! I really cant believe we're in the 8th month of the year already ahhhHHHH. Its almost Christmas :)

Ive been wearing mostly silver jewels recently but have rekindled my love for gold with the arrival of my new SPIKEY ring. I'm very partial to a spike or two.

oh here it is!

I also got my hair done recently so im sporting a much lighter golden doo,  Its helping me feel a little bit more summery and beachy while im stuck in the greyest city of them ALL. Two of my friends jetted off to NewYork today for a little 2month American Roadtrip stint, so jealous!!!!

Anyways its not all  bad because its the first of the Month and that means... NEW MAGAZINE DAY. This will definitely get me through the week.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


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