Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Leather Mondays

There's nothing like some leather on leather to get rid of those Monday blues! Although when it actually comes down to it I enjoy working so don't really find Mondays too bad, but i like to party more so its the fact that the weekend's come to an end that really gets me.

I got this cardigan in Zara, a shop that I'm a big fan of right now! Ive got so many things on my wish list from there. The leggings are from h&m and the bag is Toppers -promise I'll stop living in it soon, Ive got my eye on a new one but i will have to wait until i get paid!

I actually wore these leggings to my work BBQ on Friday with a loose knit jumper- which i thought was a very sensible and casual outfit... but apparently not :)

The event went really well and without any hitches, although in hindsight it may have been a better idea to supervise the marquee deconstruction instead of photocopying my face in the photo copymachine... maybe then i would have known where the table cloths were stored when the company came to collect them this morning... :) whoopsies!


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